What a successful day it was at the Grand Opening Day of our Display village on the Central Coast. Our backyard cabins and granny flats thrilled the crowd.
The display includes our most popular models: Cyprus (1 bedroom, 1 bathroom), backyard cabins Sicilia 20m², Crete 12m², and Majorca 9m². Cabins have a range of applications including stay-at-home children family home, Parents retreat, Teenage Retreats, Hobby Rooms, Man Cave, She Shed, Home Office, B&B, Guest House, Cabanas and a Pool House or just a Room for the Kids.
The extreme heat did not deter customers from coming to view the cabins each uniquely set up and all fitted out completely with a help of professional designers and When the North Wind Blows handcrafted homewares. People were impressed with the range and quality of materials, speed of installation and competitive pricing. All the standard models and flexible options all displayed in one place made it very easy for prospective customers to make a decision on what cabin would meet their needs. (Scroll down to read what did people say about the event and the cabins.)
What happened on the Opening Day of Display Village
“We had a very eclectic mix of Central coast residents, young families, retirees, we had people coming from Sydney, the Hunter and we even had people coming from as far as Orange and Lithgow specifically to look at the cabins and granny flats. We were blown away by the interest and the response was sensational. Our first customers came in well before our 10 o’clock opening and we had a steady stream of serious visitors all day long despite the extreme heat” – said Martin Boerner, Custom Creations.
We also had the honor of Lucy Wicks MP, Federal Member for Robertson, taking time out of her busy schedule to come to our opening day on Sunday. She liked the idea of our sustainable, high quality and low cost housing solutions and also that we have created a place where local suppliers can display their wares and over the long term create employment opportunities for local people.

“The fact that we brought together local companies that create a positive synergy for the best outcome for customers. Providing a complete bundle of products and services customised to their needs and desires.” – said Martin.
Productive and also fun Opening Day
It was a fun and a productive day for our visitors. To get the most of the time spent at the Opening Day we had experts consulting on interior and exterior design, different base options, flooring, decking, roofing choices, finance, dealing with councils and granny flat building process. (Click here to find all companies involved in the Display Village set up ). And for the fun part we had Road Stars, Mitre 10 vouchers, face painting, sausage Sizzle, fund raising for the Cancer Council. What a wonderful day it was!

What did people say about the Display Village of Cabins and Granny Flats?
“Hearing all positive comments and seeing people’s reactions when walking in and viewing all cabins, I think we got it all right” – said Shayne Price, Owner of Custom Creations. People loved the fact that they can have any standard design cabin fully completed with many flexible custom options just in 10 days. For those who wanted a floor plan or a building itself customized were pleased to know that all can be done if they can wait 14 weeks.

There are the key feedback points from the visitors, that describe the Display Village.
“I love the idea of converting unusable land in my property to a revenue generating product with a low cost point of entry and quality engineering”
“I love the fact that it’s not a standard brick and tile project home or a cheap looking cabin in my backyard, but it is a really nice thing to look at. It would make more like a feature in a backyard”
“Love all combination of European standards and local suppliers”
“Loved to see everything in real time, view and feel them in different sizes and set up, walk on the floor, look at the kitchen, bathrooms. It’s different to what you see on paper”
“Coming to the display village is the hard work virtually all done, the biggest decision is which one.”
“This all falls into category of convenience, time management and quality product at the end of it, minimal time minimal fuss”
“I liked they are all fitted out completely and you can see a finished product done and dusted, you can walk through it, you get to feel it, understand the spacial awareness of it all, lot of people get confused by what they see on paper as to what they get in real life.”
“Its like a real time version of being on a computer screen and ticking the boxes of what you want: I want this floor in that color, I want that deck and please include a kitchen as it is in Cyprus cabin; My son in law is a plumber and we’ll do all plumbing ourselves. Thanks. Done”
Contact Custom Creations if you have a question or would like to scheduled a site inspection, call 0456 640 543
Quality builder for over 12 years – Sydney, Central Coast and the Hunter (over 400 reviews on their Facebook page speak for themselves!)
Display village address is 36 Empire Bay Drive, Kincumber and there are a few free parking options around. To get Google driving directions, please see the map below.