17-25 October 2015 | Murrumbateman Field Days | Canberra Home Show
Many visitors looking for an extra room learned that YZY backyard cabins recently displayed by Canberra Outdoor Structures at the 2 shows 2 weekends in a row are much better option than building an extension to their existing house.
“Cost per square meter to build an extension to the existing house range between $2,500 – 3,000 and to build an outbuilding like YZY backyard cabin cost only $1,500 – 1,600” – said Murray Fleming, the owner and the licensed builder building quality projects in and around Canberra for over 25 years.

Visitors were impressed with the portfolio of Canberra Outdoor Structures and the quality of the buildings displayed at both events the Murrumbateman Field Days 17-18 and 23-25 October at Canberra Home Show. “I will not compromise on the quality and the integrity of the building” – Murray said to people who compared the cost of cabins made in other factory and advised to carefully look into what is included in the price. YZY cabins are the only cabins on the market that have a stainless steel rod’s system which is essential for a solid timber structure.
Murray Fleming offers obligation free site appraisal to make sure the building people want to erect will suit their site and comply with local regulations. During the site inspection Murray determines the best base type and consults clients on orientation of the building.
“We have partnered up with reputable and experienced builders only to make sure our clients have the best quality buildings and it is an honour we have Murray on board” – said Remi Buika, director of YZY kithomes. “Some visitors came to us complaining about other companies concreting piers only ‘half a shovel’ into the ground. This is not acceptable by any of our builders’ teams” – said Remi and advised to always ask an installer whether he is licensed and what is his experience and the determine whether he’s competent to carry out the job.